Health Services
The district's Health Services are intended to help maintain the health of each child at an ideal level in order that they may receive maximum benefit from the educational programs in our schools. With the help of the parents and the health care providers of the community, each young person should develop a maturity for their own health. By the time of high school graduation, they should understand the value of regular medical supervision. Our purpose is to work with you for the benefit of your child.
The medical department of the Wissahickon School District includes a consulting physician, certified school nurses, consulting dentist and other trained personnel. We are charged with responsibilities in a number of areas, each which has an effect on the well-being of your child.
Please feel free to contact your school nurse if any questions arise.
School Nurses
- Blue Bell Elementary: Danielle Massina and Nicole Cifelli
- 215-619-8102, ext. 2050
- Lower Gwynedd Elementary: Jen O'Reilly and Amanda Haddaway
- 215-619-8000, ext. 3050
- Shady Grove Elementary: Nicole Cifelli, Danielle Massina and Mark Jones
- 215-619-8106, ext. 4050
- Stony Creek Elementary: Kathy Dearborn and Lauren Guise
- 215-619-8108, ext. 5050
- Wissahickon Middle School: Amanda Blyweiss and Shira Goldberg
- 215-619-8110, ext. 7050
- Wissahickon High School: Linda Downing and Sherri Ace
- 215-619-8112, ext. 8050
Health Services Information
- Absence Due to Illness
- CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance
- Immunizations
- Medical Care in School
- Required Physical and Dental Exams
- State Mandated Screenings
- Regulations for Communicable Diseases
Absence Due to Illness
CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance
Medical Care in School
Required Physical and Dental Exams
State Mandated Screenings
Regulations for Communicable Diseases
Wissahickon School District Health and Safety Plan
Administration of Medication
State required school immunizations are required within the first 5 days of school or your child will not be able to attend school. Any single dose vaccines (Tdap and Meningitis), are required by the first day of school.
Immunization Information - English
- Asthma Action Plan
- Diabetes Action Plan
- Food Allergy Action Plan - English
- Food Allergy Action Plan - Spanish
- Seizure Action Plan
- Cerebral Palsy
- Hand, Foot, Mouth
- Lice
- Lyme Disease
- Meningitis
- Mumps
- Pertussis Fact Sheet
- PA Mandated Health Services
- Stomach Bug
- Strep Throat
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Form
Spanish Allergy and Anaphylaxis Form - Dental Private Report
- Epi Pen Permission to Carry M6
- Inhaler Permission to Carry M5
- Prescription Medication Dispensing Form
- Parent/Guardian Request for Administration of Over-the-Counter Medication During School Hours
- Physical Private Report
- Student Health Information Form