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Questions & Concerns

Parents/Guardians often wonder where to turn with a question or a concern regarding their child or other school issues. Starting "too high up the ladder" often requires information backtracking and can leave valuable allies out of the loop.

When you are not happy with a particular answer or solution, here's some guidelines to assist you: 

  1. If it is a classroom problem, start with your child's teacher. They are in the best position to address classroom-related issues. If the problem is outside the teacher's area of expertise or control, the teacher will refer you to the right person.
  2. If you have not been able to resolve your problem with the teacher, go next to the school principal or supervisor who usually will be able to resolve your problem or refer you to the right person.
  3. If your issue or inquiry is not being resolved at the building level, you might be referred to a member of the Wissahickon School District administration. You may also consult our list of administrative departments to determine whom would be the most appropriate person to contact, depending on the nature of your inquiry.
  4. If you still cannot resolve your problem through the above channels, contact the Superintendent's Office at 215-619-8000.

Click the image to download our handy tip sheet. 

PDF file: Questions_Concerns