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Home & School Association

LG Leopard MascotWelcome to the Home and School Association at Lower Gwynedd Elementary!

The Lower Gwynedd Home and School Association is a 501c3 and is composed of all interested parents and guardians of Lower Gwynedd Students.  It is the goal of the Lower Gwynedd HSA to provide enriching community events and opportunities for the Lower Gwynedd students, staff and families, to support school staff and faculty with grants and material donations to enhance the classroom experience, and to create an inclusive, equitable space where students, staff, and families can flourish. 

2024 - 2025 HSA Meeting Dates

Check the LGE Calendar page for meeting dates. Meetings are held in the LGE Library from 8:30 - 9:25 a.m. or at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

Support Our Students, Staff and School! 

LGE HSA holds a variety of fundraisers and activities throughout the school year to support a number of wonderful programs for students and staff.  Visit our square site if you would like to make a direct donation to LGE HSA or support one of our WHS annual scholarships.

You can also support LGE with your purchases through the programs below:

Giant A+ School Rewards: New Supporters or Former Supporters who wishing to make changes

  • Visit  and select “SIGN IN” at the top right to log into your online account.  Once logged in, select “MY ACCOUNT”, followed by “MANAGE MY ACCOUNT”, then “REWARDS & SAVINGS” to select your school.  
  • If you do not have an online account, visit and click “REGISTER”.  Follow the prompts to create your online account. Once logged in, follow the same instructions as noted above. 
  • You’ll need your 11-digit BonusCard® number and the School ID number (ID# 25802).  If you need assistance, call 1-888-814-4268 option 1.

Former Supporters DO NOT need to register their card.

HSA Communication

Executive Board

HSA Forms

Wissahickon Teachers and Staff: Apply for a Learning Grant

Driven by a common mission to support ongoing educational opportunities for Wissahickon students, WEOF and our Home and School Associations use a new Common Grant Application to streamline the grant application and approval process. Grants may be submitted by Wissahickon administrators, teachers, counselors, coaches and class/activity sponsors.

Learning Grant Application Guidelines
Common Grant Application (each WSD school is listed under the Grants tab on the WEOF website)

How to Become a Volunteer

There are many opportunities for family members to become involved in their child’s education through the HSA. If you would like to volunteer, be sure to refer to the WSD Volunteer webpage for the step-by-step process. Thank you!